Ingredients: 1 kg Pork (Sliced thin and flat) 1 whole Onion 4 cloves of garlic 6 tbsp Soy sauce Cornstarch Mixture (1 cup water + 1 tbsp cornstarch - Thoroughly mixed) 1 L water 2 Potatoes (Sliced) 1 Big red bell pepper (Cut into strips) Black Pepper (powdered) Salt to...
Pork Brocolli Recipe
- 5:50 AM
This is another recipe that would warm the hearts of your loved ones. This dish has the mix of pork protein and vegetable nutrients which makes it a healthy and scrumptious meal to enjoy. Pork Brocolli Recipe: Ingredients: - 250 gms Pork Tenderloin - 1 kg Brocolli - 1 tbsp flour - 2...
Basic Spaghetti Recipe
- 5:30 AM
We can see spaghetti food mostly in a children birthday party, it brings them joy to eat. So here is my basic spaghetti recipe . (Good for 7-8) Ingredients: 500 grms spaghetti noodles 1 kg Spaghetti sauce 500 grms ground meat (beef or pork) 15 pcs Regular hotdog 1 cup ...
Pancit Canton Recipe for Occassions
- 1:55 AM
Most Asians have this menu especially during occasions. They believe that the presence of this food in the table can add happiness to the family since this symbolizes long life and good health. Now I want to share my own version of this Pancit Canton served during occasions. INGREDIENTS; 500 g pansit canton...
Sinigang na Bangus Recipe
- 7:27 AM
Ever since I was a child, I enjoy eating soup specially the ones in viands. Because of this, I want to share this homemade dish that is very special to me: "Sinigang na Bangus" or Milk fish in Philippine Tamarind Soup. Ingredients: 2 pcs Big Milk Fish (1.5 kg in total) - clean...
Chicken Tinola - A Taste of Filipino Cuisine
- 4:07 AM
I love eating a lot. And because of that, I enjoy cooking. It became my hobby. A lot of my friends tell me that my dishes are delicious. So I decided to share to you my own version of cooking Chicken Tinola. This viand is common among Filipinos specially during rainy season. And...
La Dolce Vita With Swiss Miss Chocolate Hazelnut
- 7:52 PM
We all know everybody loves chocolate, young and old people are craving it . In Italy,"La dolce vita" which literally translates to " the sweet life", celebrates the Italians flair for passion, romance and life's luxuries - from savoring sumptuous meals with family and spending moments with friends and loved ones to listening...