
La Dolce Vita With Swiss Miss Chocolate Hazelnut

by - 7:52 PM

We all know everybody loves chocolate, young and old people are craving it .

In Italy,"La dolce vita" which literally  translates to " the sweet life", celebrates the Italians flair for passion, romance and life's luxuries - from savoring sumptuous meals with family and spending moments with friends and loved ones to listening to passionate music and donning the latest fashion pieces. Indeed, in this wondrous country, everyday is truly La Dolce Vita!

Now , Swiss Miss the world- famous chocolate powder drink  introduce their new flavor - Chocolate Hazelnut first here in the Philippines, this is because Filipinos  love the flavor  and aroma of  it. and even Anne Curtis, the global endorser loves the unique taste of the new Swiss Miss Chocolate Hazelnut which fuses the aroma and flavor of roasted, buttery hazelnuts with silky, creamy and frothy chocolate.

Swiss Miss  Chocolate Hazelnut can be consumed hot or cold or any way you want it. 

but I myself prefer drinking the cold Swiss Miss Chocolate Hazelnut for a better taste.

Swiss Miss Chocolate Hazelnut is made from Premium  Imported cocoa , real milk and roasted hazelnut and it is now available in leading stores and supermarket nationwide.

Experience La Dolce Vita by enjoying life's little pleasures and rewarding yourself with the new Swiss Miss Chocolate Hazelnut.

 For more updates, visit Swiss Miss Philippines on Facebook and follow them on Instagram @SwissMissPH.

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